

Sports days

July 3rd 2024

In the last week of June, years 7, 8 and 9 students took part in sports days. Students showed fantastic effort, resilience and teamwork and were a great credit to their tutor group.

Students participated in the following track and field events 100m, 150m, 300m, boys/girls/mixed relay, shot put and discus. It Each event allowed students to accumulate points for both participation and performance. These points are then added to the inter-form and swimming gala totals accumulated over the year, to work out the overall inter-form champions. 

Well done to 7L, 8X and 9F for securing first place!

The Loxford PE department would like to say a big thank you and well done to all of those students who participated and to staff who supported the running of the sports days.

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