Loxford 4

Welcome from the Headteacher

I am delighted to welcome you to Loxford School All-Through School.

We are an outstanding school, delivering high-quality education for each one of our students from 3 – 18. At Loxford School we aim to prepare young people for an ever-changing world that values self-confident, well-educated and enterprising people.

It is a privilege to lead this successful and happy school and to work in partnership with such enthusiastic children, committed staff and supportive parents and governors. We are proud of our consistently high performance in public examinations.  We also offer a wide range of enrichment activities to support and engage our local community.

Building on our past successes, we continue to seek new challenges and opportunities to help children fulfil their potential, both academically and socially, so that they leave us with the widest range of choices in a challenging society. We want every child to feel part of the school community. Our primary provision includes specialist staff, separate buildings and dedicated play areas. The students will remain with us throughout their school career, making lifelong friendships and moving smoothly from one phase to the next.

To achieve this aim, we provide an education that meets the needs of young people, delivered in an educational environment that emphasises traditional standards of uniform, discipline and respect.

Loxford School has been officially recognised by the government as a High Performing School and judged to be an Outstanding school in our most recent Ofsted inspection in November 2023. This inspection found the school to be outstanding in every one of the inspection measures – one of the few schools in the country to achieve a ‘perfect’ Ofsted inspection.

Everything we do at Loxford School is centred on ensuring that each individual student is educated and supported to succeed in the world today – as an individual, as a partner, as a member of a team and as a citizen. With excellent facilities and high-quality teaching, the students at Loxford School are happy, challenged and motivated. The School is committed to the success of each of our students.

We aim to deliver:

  • Exam success – we want our students to get the best possible qualifications
  • Challenge, relevance and engagement – we want all our students to be fully involved in their learning
  • Appropriate skills for living, for work and for happiness
  • The skills to make our students active citizens
  • An environment in which children enjoying their childhood
  • Self-identity and a feeling of self-worth
  • Opportunities and experiences that engage our students
  • Healthy habits that are embedded for life

Mrs Anita Johnson OBE

Home School Agreement

Loxford School intends to make sure that all students achieve their best. It demands high standards of work and behaviour from students. Teachers do their best to make sure that every student achieves. We seek to provide learning experiences which challenge students, build self-esteem and confidence and so enable them to take up their responsibilities as adults, members of the community and at work.

Responsibilities of Parents

  • My child will attend school, regularly, on time, properly equipped and not go on holiday in term time
  • I will tell the school the reason every time my child is absent
  • I will support my child in good behaviour and support the school code of conduct
  • I will support my child in doing homework and learning at home
  • I will tell the school about any changes at home which may affect my child’s school life
  • I will make the school aware of any changes my child’s address or my personal contact details
  • I will do my best to attend Parents’ Evenings and information meetings
  • If I am unhappy about any events at school, I will tell my child’s Achievement Team Leader or Year Care Team Person

Responsibilities of Loxford School

  • The school will reward students who work
  • The school will inform parents about low standards of attendance, lateness, uniform, equipment, schoolwork and homework
  • The school will set homework regularly
  • The school will make clear to students and parents the standards expected for good work and behaviour and what will happen if these standards are not kept
  • The school will invite parents to Parents’ Evenings to discuss progress and achievement
  • The school will provide written reports on progress, achievement and standards
  • The school will deal seriously and sensitively with parents’ concerns
  • The school will work with parents in dealing with any problems that develop about attendance, lateness, uniform, behaviour, homework, achievement and bullying
  • Examinations – Re-sits of examinations are at the discretion of the school