

Year 13 results day

August 17th 2023

Congratulations to all of our Year 13 students for an excellent set of A Level and BTEC results again this year.   


This summer’s results, as with previous years, are built upon a great deal of hard work and dedication from our students. The overall pass rates for both the A Levels and Level 3 vocational courses were outstanding and well deserved.   


The majority of students are now heading towards the University of their choice and we wish them well in their next stage of life whether this is University or an apprenticeship.  


Many students achieved very high grades at A Level and BTEC this year allowing them to progress to their chosen destinations with over 80% achieving A*-C. Our notable students include Abdoulie Njie, Usman Abdulraf, Hafsah Ahmed, Sami Ullah Akhtar Bibi, Jasdip Dhadwar, Falak Altaf, Hafsa Mahmood, Muhammad Islam, Adnan Kabir, Aadam Marwat, Raafi Mian, Jamil Moideen, Eesha Nadeem, Tharanki Rajakulsingam, Rizwana Salad-Dorre, Hamza Sheikh, Falak Sheikh Mohammad, Shahriar Talukder and Muhammad Waseem. This includes two students who are starting a degree in Medicine.  


Students completing the Level 3 Extended Diploma courses, which are equivalent to three A Levels, achieved a 100% pass rate with numerous students achieving distinction and distinction stars which is equivalent to three A*/A grades at A Level. These results mean that students on these vocational courses have also been able to access courses at leading Universities.   


Loxford School is extremely proud of all of our student’s achievements, and a huge thank you to the students, teachers and parents for their hard work and support. The students are off to start their higher education and apprenticeships - an exciting time for them – we know they will be a credit to the school.