

Loxford in the month of July

August 16th 2023

Within the month of July, our students took part in the following activities:-


  • Year 7 Parents’ Evening had a great attendance of 96%
  • Year 6 students from our feeder schools came and had their admission meetings, taster lessons and an Induction Evening
  • Year 12 taster sessions were held for our current Year 11s
  • Year 12 workshop “Positive Voices” on HIV
  • Year 7 Dove workshop in pm reg
  • Globe Players performance “Macbeth” for Year 10
  • The Art Department organised a special Eco-Fashion Textiles/Art Rewards workshop for Year 8 student who have demonstrated outstanding behaviour and effort in lessons this year.  The workshop helped to refine and develop their artistic skills in media and encouraged them to pursue an Art based course or career.  Students learned about sustainable fashion and how this movement is fostering a change to the fashion system
  • Our school play this year was “Oliver”.  All students were brilliant.
  • Year 9 Sports Day
  • On 4th & 19th July some Year 8 and 9 students took part in the following workshops
    • Online Safety – Risks/Dangers Online including sharing nudes/sexting (Delivered by Junior Family Intervention Team)
    • Consent & Healthy Relationships (Delivered by Junior Family Intervention Team)
    • Pupil Safety (Bystander Training) teaching young people how to safely step in and help/protect their friends etc if they are being harassed. (Delivered by The Community Safety Team/ Safer Schools Officers (Met Police)

All participants and speakers had a very positive experience and students learnt new skills that they will apply in everyday life.  Both days were a great success.

  • A selection of staff, along with the Anti-bullying ambassadors, took part in a survey for the “Respect Project”. With their suggestions, the Changemaker Team of the Diana Award will be creating “An Educator’s Guide to Anti-Racist Bullying”. Well done to Mr Curcio and Ms Owolabi
  • The school successfully delivered a 6 week body image programme led by Body Image Coach
  • Our annual Art Exhibition was held on 11th July and our students brilliant hard work was on display
  • The school’s Safer Police Officer presented workshops on “Violence” to the students
  • Our SEN department held their annual EHCP Parents Afternoon Tea.  This gave parents an opportunity to meet their child’s key worker.  Various outreach professionals who are involved in supporting the students were invited in to give an overview of the service and support they provide.  In attendance were Sycamore Trust, the Deputy Head of SEATSS and Advisory Teachers, Connexions, Early Help Intervention Team, Education Welfare Officer, Empowering Parents Together and our Speech and Language Therapist
  • Loxford has been awarded the Gold Award School Games Mark for the 2022-2023 academic year.  Next year we are able to apply for platinum as we have successfully achieved gold for the last 4 years. The School Games Mark is a Government-led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward and recognise school’s engagement and celebrate keeping young people active. Loxford would like to thank all students who have participated in events over the academic year and to staff for their ongoing support.  – well done PE department
  • Each Year Group held their end of year Achievement Assembly
  • As part our Well-Being Agenda, British Red Cross have organised the following workshops which were offered to staff
    • Adult First Aid
    • Tackling Loneliness
    • Adversity (Adapt & Recover)



We visited the following places:-

  • The Performing Arts Department arranged a LGBTQ+ Diversity trip at Woodbridge High School in connection with Redbridge Pride.  Unfortunately due to the teachers’ strike this had to be postponed but we are looking to run this event next year
  • The PE department arranged a trip to Ilford Athletics Stadium to support GCSE students with their practical portfolio moderation. They completed various techniques and activity drills in 100m sprint
  • A cohort of Business, History & MFL students went on a cross-curricular trip to Barcelona.  They had a fantastic experience of Spanish culture and visited Barcelona Language School, a tapas meal at Nervion restaurant, a visit to the Gothic Quarter, Port Vell and La Sagreda Familia, Montjuic Hill and a local beach.  The students thoroughly enjoyed themselves
  • The Maths department organised a trip for Year 7 & 8 students to visit The British Museum and solved mathematical challenges supplied by the Museum
  • The Business department arranged a trip for Year 12 students to visit to the Bank of England, City of London and Sky Garden.  They had a tour of the Bank of England which included a history of the Bank, holding a gold bar, a lecture on interest rates, monetary policy, inflationary pressure and the Bank’s role in supporting commercial banks
  • As part of the Duke of Edinburgh Award, the relevant students took part in an expedition to meet the course requirements in Epping Forest for 2 days.  Students travelled 12km per day in groups and used a map and compass to find their way from the start point to the end point via checkpoints.  Twenty-one participants successfully completed the course; congratulations
  • Year 12 students from the Social Science department visited the Museum of the Mind, Bethlem Royal Hospital
  • Year 8 visited the Science Museum in order to broaden their horizons and develop their understanding for Year 9 in Science and Geography
  • The PE department arranged a trip for Year 7, 8, 9 & 10 students to go to the Nuclear Races, Kelvedon Hatch, Brentwood.  Nuclear Races is a muddy obstacles course
  • The Year 11 Prom was held at Woolston Manor and the students had a fantastic time
  • Year 10 PE students went to the Lee Valley Athletics Centre as part of their practical portfolio for their GCSE moderation
  • On Friday 14th July it was the annual Thorpe Park celebration rewards trip and the students had a lot of fun even though it was a wet day
  • Year 8 & 9 visited the Natural History Museum


Loxford took part in many sporting fixtures:-

  • Year 12 held a charity football match Year 12 v Year 12.  The winner won 5-2 and the charity was Child Bereavement UK
  • Year 10 held a charity football match against each other as part of their fundraising
  • Year 9 & 10 held a charity basketball game against each other as part of their fundraising
  • Year 8 won their cricket match against Isaac Newton by 43 runs
  • Year 8 cricket lost to Wanstead by 20 runs