

Loxford in the month of January

February 8th 2023



Within the month of January, our students took part in the following activities:-

  • Year 8 received their HPV vaccincinations
  • Year 11 had their Sixth Form interviews internally
  • Esterina Bartilomo, professional Town Planner and interviewer for the CBRE Graduate Scheme, came to give a Careers Talk to the Sixth Form.  CBRE is a company which offers market-leading planning advice across all stages of the property lifecycle
  • Loxford School is taking part in The Chances Programme.  This programme is a national sport and activity programme for helping young people achieve positive outcomes including improving physical literacy, improving attendance at school, re-engaging back into Education, Employment or Training and reducing offending and reoffending.  Twelve of our students were selected for this initiative.  This started in January and will run for 12 weeks
  • On the 25th January, a guest speaker from the Bank of England came to speak to our BTEC IT students.  Our guest, Craig Dillnutt, spoke to the students about the emergence of technology in the 300-year-old building and how technology has transformed the way they work and the various IT opportunities available in BoE.  The students were excited to learn about the opportunities available and asked various questions during the one-hour session
  • Fusion (drugs, alcohol, information & support) came in every other Thursday for a Drop-In.  This will continue for the rest of the term
  • A free mentoring programme for Media students in the Sixth Form was offered and Layla Ahmed and Sabah Tariq were awarded and matched with mentors. All the other students were strong applicants but only two were selected.  The programme gives advice, guidance and opportunities to help them embark on higher education and careers
  • The Army Cadets came to a Year 8 assembly.  They gave a presentation on the role of the Army Cadets and to try to recruit any who wanted to join
  • Two Youth Centre Workshops were held regarding “Aggressive behaviour to others” and “Inappropriate touching”
  • London Borough of Redbridge has partnered with the Solihull Approach to present two online courses for Prefects/Monitors/Anti-Bullying Ambassadors.  The courses were “Understanding your Brain” and “Understanding your Feelings”


We visited the following places:-

  • Our Year 11 Art, Textile and Photography students visited the Tate Modern to collect primary source material for their exam unit
  • Our Year 10 Art, Textile & Photography students visited the Victoria & Albert Museum to collect primary source material for the current Colour Project
  • A group of Year 9 students attended a diversity day held by ITN supported by the Naz Legacy Foundation.  The day gave insights into the work of ITN and the news broadcasts from ITV, Channel 4 and 5.  They provided us with a talk about careers and how to apply for jobs, both within the media and outside.  We were given tours of the studios for ITV news and Channel 4 and given the opportunity to present the news, whilst also being allowed to control the autocue and had to practice getting the timings right, to allow our peers to read the news.  The day gave all students a greater understanding into work in the Media industry and they had workshops with HR departments, presenters, technical directors and producers.  The students had an excellent day, and gained a wealth of experience.
  • 60 Year 7s enjoyed a trip to London on an open top bus to see cultural attractions.  The students were amazed to see and learn about the rich history and culture of London.  The tour took students to see some of London’s most iconic attractions including Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament, St. Pauls Cathedral, Big Ben, the Shard, Tower Bridge and the Tower of London.  As well as this, the students marvelled at the modern architecture of the capital and learnt about its national and international significance. “It’s a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the heritage of our capital, although it’s right on our doorstep, the beauty and culture of London can be easily taken for granted. I learnt more about where I live and what it means to be a British citizen” – Year 7 student.
  • Year 11 PE students arranged a trip to Lee Valley Athletics for the practical portfolio for their GCSE
  • The selection of 30 Year 7 students took place for a Mini First Aid Course in February


Loxford took part in many sporting fixtures:-

  • Year 7 football won against Isaac Newton 6-1
  • Year 10 football won against Canon Palmer 3-1
  • Year 7 football lost to Mayfield 2-4
  • Year 8 football won against Mayfield 3-2
  • Year 9 defeated Mayfield at indoor cricket
  • Year 7 netball took part in a tournament and won 4 matches and drew 1
  • Year 9 won their basketball match against Wanstead 42-14