

Sadlers Wells Theatre Trip

November 10th 2022

On Thursday November 3rd, 10 students from year 8, 9 and year 11 were chosen to go and see the Birmingham Royal Ballet performance Into the Music at Sadlers Wells Theatre in Angel, London.

The performance consisted of 3 separate Ballet performances that matched the music performed by a huge orchestra and had different intentions. These performances and famous choreographers were: Forgotten Land by Jiří Kylián, Hotel by Morgann Runacre-Temple and The Seventh Symphony by Uwe Scholz.

The students were able to experience watching world class dancers perform these pieces and recognised many skills and choreographic devices that were used, linking to our studies in school. The students were impeccably behaved and thoroughly enjoyed each piece. They were so well behaved that a member of the public came over to express how great it was that they were so polite and well-behaved and that it was great that they got to see a performance of this standard.

In particular, the use of the dancers' bodies matching the music and the strength and flexibility of the dancers fascinated the crowd. The students enjoyed the theatrical elements of costume, set and lighting to match and tried to guess what each dance was about. The students gave their own standing ovation at the end and showed lots of applause. 

The concert ended too quickly and the students were lucky enough to go down to the front of the theatre to look at the orchestra pit and a closer look at the stage.  Overall, the day was one that we will all remember quite fondly. Thank you Dance Students!

Miss Pitman,

Dance and Drama Teacher.