

Loxford in the month of October

November 4th 2022

Within the month of October, our students took part in the following activities:-

  • We ran a Year 9 Careers Workshop where students were able to explore different pathways post 16, from apprenticeships and further education to T-Levels and jobs
  • Year 13 had a visitor from Queen Mary University who came to talk to them about developing students’ knowledge and awareness of higher education and graduate employment and to explore the benefits of higher education in terms of academic, social, economic and career prospects.  Included in this was a discuss of what student life and teaching is like and a second visitor for our future medics with potential interviews
  • We are pleased to run a series of “Open Event” for prospective students wishing to join in Year 7 in September 2023.  We held four Open Mornings, which included a tour of the school to enable parent/student to get a real sense of how our school works and witness outstanding teaching and the fantastic behaviour of our students.  We also held an Open Evening and during this event the Headteacher gave a short address
  • Our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors received training in-house on Anti-Racist Bullying Behaviour.  This enabled our Ambassadors to further their skills, knowledge and understanding on how to deal with these types of incidents
  • We held Bake Sales in order to raise money for the Pakistani Floods
  • Our Child Friendly Redbridge Ambassador attended the CFR Ambassadors meeting at the Town Hall and he was full of great ideas and conversation and eloquently discussed his thoughts on mental health and what can be done to promote the services in the Borough.  In addition, he also spoke about how the web pages for the Youth Hub Redbridge could be improved with better visuals which would be more appealing to young people
  • The School received a Centre Approval Certificate from The London Institute of Banking & Finance as some of our KS5/4 student registered to study their Financial Education Qualifications.  The programme help schools instil the knowledge, confidence and resilience pupils need to make good financial decisions, as well as inspiring the next generation of finance and banking professionals.  They also focus on financial skills and essential competencies that employers say are missing
  • A volunteer speaker from WaterAid came to speak to students in Years 7 & 8.  The students learnt about the vital work of WaterAid in helping to get clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene – WASH – to everyone, everywhere
  • Every Wednesday Fusion Workshops were held on the topics of bringing illegal items to school, being unkind to others and vandalism
  • A successful and well attended workshop led by the British Red Cross was presented on the theme of ‘Anxiety and how to manage a stressful situation’
  • We had an apprenticeship speaker come in to encourage our Year 12 and Year 13 students
  • “Getting into Medicine” interviews were held for the Sixth Form
  • Police talks were given regarding hate crime

We visited the following places:-

  • Our KS4 Media students visited the Royal Festival Hall for the BFI London Film Festival to watch the new film Matilda.  Roald Dahl's Matilda The Musical (2022) is based on Roald Dahl’s beloved children’s book and adapted from the equally adored stage musical, with songs by Tim Minchin. This is an inspirational coming-of-age film about rewriting your own story. The students enjoyed the day immensely and their behaviour was excellent
  • Year 10 Textiles, Photography & Art students went on a trip to Kew Gardens to collect primary source material for their current Natural & Mechanical Forms Project.  Students explored the remarkable indoor rainforest at The Palm House and took photographs of some of the most threatened environments in the world.  Students particularly enjoyed climbing The Hive installation, which is 17 metres tall and recreates life inside a beehive.  Students also visited the Princess of Wales Conservatory and produced some great sketches of plants and flowers
  • Year 11 Drama students watched a production of “The Woman in Black” at the Fortune theatre, Covent Garden.  This production is part of their GCSE course and they had the opportunity to attend a post-show Q&A session with the cast and creative team.  There was riveting storytelling and an enthralling cast that portrayed compelling characters from start to finish
  • Our Year 13 Law students visited the three key legal institutions of the United Kingdom on a Law trip.  The trip begun with a tour of the Houses of Parliament, including the House of Lords and the House of Commons, during which students witnessed MPs debating a bill.  Through this tour, students gained an understanding of how laws are made and the important functions of these historic institutions.  Students then visited the Supreme Court, the highest appeal court in the UK.  Here, they were able to explore a number of different courtrooms used by judges and the Privy Council.  Finally, students visited Buckingham Palace where they learned about ‘royal assent’ and the monarchy’s role in the law-making process

Loxford took part in many sporting fixtures:-

  • Year 11 football lost to Woodbridge 0-8
  • Year 8 interform
  • Year 7 interform
  • 6th form football won against Woodbridge 2-2 (5-4 on penalties)