Primary Curriculum
At Loxford Primary Phase, we aim to help pupils make meaningful connections in their learning. To that end, we have devised a themed curriculum, in which the different National Curriculum subjects are taught through a particular theme. Of course, we are aware of the danger of ‘tenuous’ links and we ensure that Maths and English – whilst sometimes present in themed work – are also taught daily as separate subjects. Similarly, Science, P.E. and Music are taught separately as well as within themes allowing children to access a broad and balanced curriculum.
Our Curriculum Intent:
- Children are given the opportunity to explore and acquire reading and phonics skills through all subject areas in the curriculum.
- Children are empowered to explore and develop language which gives them the tools to access all areas of learning. Through this, children are able to talk meaningfully, confidently and appropriately using ambitious vocabulary.
- Children are given the opportunity to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills; being ‘determined to succeed’ and becoming independent thinkers and questioners; acquiring a solid basis for lifelong learning.
- Children are permitted to explore a values-based education in our curriculum and show responsibility for themselves and their actions, are respectful and develop resilience.
Our English curriculum is carefully planned to ensure progression of skills, as well as a wide coverage of genres, so that our children can flourish into fluent, confident life-long readers and writers.
Providing our children with a literacy-rich environment where they establish an appreciation and love of reading throughout their journey at Loxford is essential to us. We aim to transform our children into readers who engage in a wide range of books and who are able to apply the skills taught to other areas of their lives, irrespective of socio-economic background. We believe that every child can leave Loxford primary as motivated readers who have fostered a love of literature.
In EYFS and Key Stage One, pupils read using phonics (through the unlocking letters and sound scheme), recite poetry by heart in class, learn the alphabet and write joined up words. During phonics, children are taught daily to identify graphemes, associate these graphemes with their corresponding phonemes, segment, blend and, apply digraphs and trigraphs in their reading and writing. Children are encouraged to take a reading book home that matches the sounds that they have been learning.
Reading is taught daily as a discrete subject called Whole Class Reading in Key Stage One and Key Stage Two. Through the delivery of our reading curriculum, we have structured, carefully planned thirty-minute whole-class reading sessions each day. Reading skills are taught in whole class reading lessons to allow all children access to age related skills and knowledge contained in the National Curriculum. Children are exposed to a range of high-quality, vocabulary-rich texts throughout the academic year to encourage a love of reading, develop their reading fluency as well as their understanding of a text.
Each day, children are taught a specific reading skill or strands of reading (reading domains) which we link to our reading dogs. There are seven different reading domains that our reading dogs link to: vocabulary, prediction, retrieval, inference, author’s choice, summarise, and compare and contrast. Rich, contextual vocabulary is shared at the beginning of every lesson and book talk allows children to delve into their imaginations and develop a love of reading. The reading skills are also applied to a range of subjects and children are given continuous opportunities to develop their English skills across the different curriculum areas.
At Loxford Primary school we want to inspire our children to be confident in the art of speaking and listening and to be children who can use discussion to communicate and further their learning as well as developing a love of language and the written word. We aim to do this by providing high quality learning experiences in order to develop pupils’ competence in both transcription (spelling and handwriting) and composition (articulating ideas and structuring them in both speech and the written form). Careful links are made across the curriculum to ensure the children’s learning is relevant and meaningful: where possible linking our reading, writing and the topics we are covering in history and geography.
Through differentiated texts and our writing process the children will acquire and learn the skills to plan, draft and refine their written work over time and are encouraged to develop their independence when identifying their own areas for improvement in a piece of writing.
In EYFS pupils:
- Age 4/5 : By the end of Reception, most children will be able to use phonics knowledge to write simple words and sentences with recognisable, clear letters and with clear finger spaces between words. They should also be able to demonstrate the beginnings of basic punctuation.
In Key Stage One pupils:
- Age 5/6: In English lessons in Year 1, children will learn the spelling, grammar and punctuation rules they need to write clearly. They will start to write their own simple stories and non-fiction texts and learn how to hold a pencil. They will be introduced to a wide range of texts that will develop their vocabulary.
- Age 6/7:In English lessons in Year 2, children will develop their knowledge of grammar and punctuation, as well as their speaking, reading, and writing skills. Children will become more familiar with spelling words using their phonics skills, and will learn to recognise and spell many common and tricky words such as because. They will be encouraged to explore their own ideas through creative writing and poetry, and will be taught how to use apostrophes correctly.
In Key Stage Two pupils:
- Age 7/8: In Year 3, most children will have finished their phonics courses and will be focussing on learning specific spellings and spelling patterns. They will read a greater range of genres – both fiction and non-fiction. They will be learning more complicated grammar and punctuation and will be putting it all together as they write a range of text types.
- Age 8/9: In Year 4, teachers will nurture and encourage independent thinking, learning, and decision making in children. Children will get to know more complex punctuation like inverted commas and apostrophes, will learn key spellings, and will continue to develop their reading and writing. This is also the first year most children will graduate from using a pencil to using a pen – this can be a great incentive to improve handwriting!
- Age 9/10: In Year 5, children will be encouraged to take more responsibility for their own learning. Children will be reading more books that they have chosen themselves, and will write across a wide range of topics (including what they are learning in other subjects, like space). Elements of punctuation like hyphens and colons are introduced, and they will learn new features of grammar like modal verbs.
- Age 10/11: In English in year 6, your child will now be expected to understand how to use a full range of punctuation, to write with a wide variety of sentence structures, use powerful vocabulary, and to generally spell words accurately. They may well be fully independent readers, choosing their own books and non-fiction texts based on their own interests. The writing your child does at school will be increasingly confident and creative.
Alongside this we also want pupils to acquire a wide vocabulary, a solid understanding of grammar and to be able to spell new words by effectively applying the spelling patterns and rules they learn throughout their time in primary school.
In Key Stage Two pupils:
- Age 7/8: In Year 3, children will continue to develop their spelling. They will write and read more, learning more complex spellings as they go. They will use dictionaries to check words they are unsure of, look at how a word's meaning changes when adding a prefix or a suffix and look at common homophones.
- Age 8/9: In Year 4, children will continue to develop their spelling. They will write and read more, learning more complex spellings as they go. They will continue to use dictionaries to check words they are unsure of, look at how a word's meaning changes when adding a prefix or a suffix and look at common homophones. They will also start looking at using an apostrophe for possession with regular and irregular plurals.
- Age 9/10: In Year 5,children will be spelling more complicated words with increased accuracy. They will start to look at the etymology and morphology of words as well as recognising and spelling some words that contain silent letters.
- Age 10/11: In Year 6,children will be spelling more complicated words with increased accuracy. They will continue to look at the etymology and morphology of words,recognising and spelling some words that contain silent letters and the difference between homophones and other confusing words.
Considerable importance is attached to the children achieving and understanding mathematical processes, concepts and skills. A favourable attitude is encouraged by presenting it in an interesting and enjoyable way, allowing the children to actively participate in the learning process, thus creating a sense of achievement and confidence. There is a strong emphasis on the development of mental arithmetic and giving opportunities for pupils to use and apply mathematics in real life situations.
Maths is taught through a daily maths lesson. Class teachers also plan for opportunities to develop and apply key mathematical skills in other subjects throughout the year.
In EYFS pupils:
- Age 4/5: Add and subtract within 10.
- Understand the composition of each number to ten.
In Key Stage One pupils:
- Age 5/6: Count to 100, use simple fractions, tell the time
- Age 6/7: Add and subtract three digit numbers
In Key Stage Two pupils:
- Age 8/9: Master 12 times tables, convert decimals and fractions
- Age 10/11: Are introduced to algebra
At Loxford, it is our aim that all children are provided with an engaging and stimulating learning environment for science where they grow a love and curiosity for the subject. We want our students to be equipped with the vocabulary to express their ideas, investigate their enquiry questions and reach evidence based conclusions about the world around them. Our science curriculum prioritizes progression of key conceptual knowledge as well as scientific enquiry skills. We aim to develop students' scientific literacy and relate science to everyday life, understanding the implications of science in the world around us. Engagement into every science topic is built with a mystery box ‘hook’ into learning and each enquiry type is taught throughout each year. Scientific vocabulary is reinforced through each lesson, and progressively built upon throughout Key Stage 1 and 2.
In EYFS pupils:
- Age 4/5: Children will explore the natural world around them, learn key vocabulary to express what they experience. They will respond to questions about the world around them using their senses. Teacher-guided play provides children with the opportunity to explore the world around them by making observations, grouping and classifying objects and through asking simple questions.
In Key Stage One pupils: During years 1 and 2, pupils are taught to work scientifically by: asking simple questions, making close observations, using simple equipment, performing simple tests, collecting and recording data,identifying and classifying and using their observations to suggest answers to questions.
In Years 1 and 2, pupils learn:
- To identify and describe a range of animals including humans, their habitats and their needs for survival
- To observe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants, and what plants need to grow and stay healthy
- To identify the parts of the human body and the five senses
- To describe, manipulate and compare a range of everyday materials and group them by their properties and their uses
- To observe seasonal changes and how the day length varies
In Key Stage Two:
Pupils broaden their scientific enquiry skills and knowledge, and begin to develop their ideas by asking their own questions, making decisions about the most appropriate enquiry types to use. They will observe changes over time, noticing patterns, grouping and classifying, carrying out simple comparative and fair tests and using secondary sources of information. In Years 3 and 4, children will use scientific language to talk about, then write their conclusions. They will build on their learning in Key Stage 1 by:
- Recognising that living things can be grouped and classified in a variety of ways
- Identifying functions of plant parts, exploring water transport in plants and the life cycle of flowering plants
- Understanding the structure, function and purpose of the skeleton, muscles, digestive system and teeth in the human body
- Describing how fossils are formed, what soil is made of and how we can group and classify different kinds of rocks
- Recognising how light allows us to see objects
- Comparing how different things move on different surfaces by observing forces and magnets
- Making observations on the changing states of solids, liquids and gases
- Identifying how sounds are made and how sound changes
- Identifying how an electrical circuit works and everyday appliances that run on electricity
Upper Key Stage Two:
Children in Years 5 and 6 will develop a deeper understanding of scientific ideas by planning different types of enquiries to answer their own questions and analysing functions, relationships and interactions more systematically. They will build on all the enquiry types, while drawing conclusions based on their own interpretations of data and observations and using evidence to justify their ideas. They will build upon the learning in Years 3 & 4 by learning:
- The differences in animals through their life cycles, observable characteristics and give reasons for classifying
- To identify the parts of the human circulatory system and its functions
- The life process of reproduction in some plants and animals
- The changes that humans develop as they go into old age
- The different ways to compare and group together materials including solubility and conductivity
- To describe the movement of the Earth and other planets relative to
- the sun in our solar system
- To investigate the effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction
- To explain how light travels
- The ways in which components in an electrical circuit can function and vary
Computers and other technological aids are used throughout the school. ICT skills are taught as a discrete subject and as a means of supporting other areas of the curriculum. The children are encouraged to communicate ideas and information in a variety of forms, where appropriate, using equipment and computer software to enhance their learning. The school is Internet linked.
In EYFS pupils:
- Children will interact with the technology within the classroom. (The interactive whiteboard)
In Key Stage One pupils will:
- Understand what algorithms are; how they are implemented as programs on digital devices; and that programs execute by following precise and unambiguous instructions
- Create and debug simple programs
- Use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs
- Use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content
- Recognise common uses of information technology beyond school
- Use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies
In Key Stage Two pupils will:
- Design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals
- Use sequence, selection and repetition in programs
- Use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and to detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs
- Understand computer networks, including the internet
- Use search technologies effectively
- Select, use and combine a variety of software on a range of digital devices
- Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly
At Loxford Primary School, we aim to bring History learning to life, engaging and inspiring our pupils as they delve into the past, developing their historical knowledge and skills through the exploration of their own history and the history of the world.
Using creative and meaningful lessons, we aim to develop our students’ knowledge of chronology through the exploration of their own personal history (EYFS), their local history (KS1) and the history of Ancient civilizations of the world (KS2). History allows our students to develop their ability to interpret, enquire, investigate and research, with the goal of encouraging open minded and enquiring thinkers who understand how people have lived in the past and are able to compare this to modern life. We encourage first hand experiences through handling sources and artefacts and, wherever possible, arranging workshops and visits to help engage our students' curiosity.
In EYFS pupils will:
- Have lots of opportunities to develop a sense of past and present, through discussion.
- Be encouraged to talk about their experiences of events, for example, festivals and birthdays, using the language ‘yesterday,’ ‘today,’ ‘last week.’
- To begin to ask and answer simple questions as they explore
- Begin to make sense of their own life story and family history
In Key Stage One pupils will:
- Explore their own place in history by sharing what they know bout their lives and the lives of their families
- Study famous individuals to compare life in different periods
- Study key events in British History such as the Great Fire of London and the Gunpowder Plot
In Key Stage Two pupils will:
- Pupils will study the history of Britain, from the Stone Age to the Great fire of London, and explore ancient civilizations including the Ancient Egyptians, Romans, Ancient Greeks and the Mayans.
- Extend their knowledge and understanding of chronology
- Pop Back and make links to previous learning
Geography allows our students the opportunity to explore and develop their knowledge and understanding of the world around them. Through the exploration of their local area (KS1) and different countries and environments (KS2), we aim to ensure children are able to navigate
In EYFS pupils will:
- Explore features of the school.
- Use maps and photographs to investigate different places as we begin to compare and contrast different environments.
- Make use of school grounds to enhance and apply their skills as geographers.
- Observe and discuss the weather and seasonal changes.
- Learn about the different jobs which people do in our community.
- Describe their immediate environment
- Explore and observe the natural world around them
In Key Stage One pupils will:
- Begin to explore their local area, gaining a greater understanding of the world around them
- Name and locate the world’s seven continents and five oceans
- Name, locate and identify characteristics of the four countries and capital cities of the United Kingdom and its surrounding seas
- Identify seasonal and daily weather patterns
In Key Stage Two pupils will:
- Pupil will name and locate countries and cities of the United Kingdom, gaining a greater insight into geographical regions and their identifying human characteristics, physical characteristics and key topographical features
- Pupils will locate and explore a range of countries from around the world, using maps to focus on Europe (including the location of Russia) and North and South America, concentrating on their environmental regions, key physical and human characteristics, countries, and major cities
- Use and explore a variety of geographic tools to explore
Design and Technology
At Loxford, design and technology is taught cross curricular within subjects such as Humanities and science. This gives opportunities for pupils to explore the world of D&T linked to the real world they are learning about. Pupils will have the opportunity to problem solve with their plan, create a product and evaluate the creative process.
In EYFS, pupils begin to explore the concept of design and technology. In nursery, they begin to construct with a purpose safely. They use different materials to create. In reception, they continue by looking at mechanisms as well as shape and assemble materials. They take a closer look at flaps and joints.
In Key Stage One pupils will study cutting and creating simple mechanisms such as wheels and axels. They continue to build on their previous knowledge on creating structures safely and securely. In Key Stage Two pupils will build circuits incorporating switches and buzzers. In addition to this they begin to look at architectural structures. Throughout the different Key Stages, pupils will have opportunities to look at food and nutrition , where they learn about food safety and look at dishes from the past and present as well as different cultures.
At Loxford, art is taught with links to other subjects such as humanites and science. This gives opportunities for pupils to explore the world of art linked to the real world they are learning about. Pupils will have the opportunity to plan, create and evaluate their own work whilst building their artistic vocabulary.
In EYFS, pupils develop their artistic skills and work on understanding and creating pictures through mark making. In nursery,the pupils experiment with different colours and materials to create an image. They look at different patterns and create their own and start to mix colours. In reception, they continue their art journey by creating from observation and imagination. They build on their knowledge of tools/resources by naming them and talk about how it is used.
In Key Stage One pupils will study the work of a range of artists and make links to their own work. Pupils will focus on the skills of drawing, painting, collage and colour as well as identify the tools needed to achieve their artistic goals.
In Key Stage Two pupils will continue to work on their skill set by recording their observations and use them to review and evaluate their ideas. Pupils will continue to refine their drawing skills and build on new disciplines such as textiles and 3D art form. Pupils will continue to research the work of a variety of artists and designers to support their studies and to improve their mastery of art and design techniques.
Children have the opportunity to explore how to use our voice and bodies to make sounds, experimenting with tempo and dynamic when playing instruments and identifying sounds in the environment.
Key stage 1
Children learn to identify the difference between the pulse and rhythm of a song and consolidate their understanding of these concepts through listening and performing activities. Children use their bodies and instruments to listen and respond to pieces of classical music that represent animals.
Key stage 2
Children learn what ballads are, how to identify their features and how to convey different emotions when performing them. The children develop their singing technique. Learning to keep in time and work on musical notation and rhythm.
Physical Education
In EYFS, pupils will develop gross and fine motor skills, to support core strength, stability, balance, spatial awareness, positional awareness, coordination and agility.
In Key Stage One, pupils will master basic movements (run, jump, throw, catch etc.) They will also be introduced to team games.
In Key Stage Two, pupils will study competitive games such as football, netball, rounders, cricket, hockey, basketball, badminton and tennis.They will apply the fundamentals to transfer these into games and opposed situations.
By the end of Key Stage Two children should swim 25 meters, perform a range of strokes and demonstrate life saving techniques.
PE lessons are taught by three specialist PE teachers either once or twice a week in addition to lessons taught by class teachers.
Religious Education
The core purpose of RE is to engage pupils in exploring and responding to challenging questions raised by religion and worldviews, so that they can develop the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to appreciate and appraise varied responses to these questions including their own.
EYFS: What do pupils learn in RE at this key stage?
In Early Years and Foundation Stage RE is taught through the specific area ‘Understanding of the World’ (ELG: Past and Present, ELG: People, Culture and Communities and ELG: The Natural World). This framework enables children to develop a positive sense of themselves, and others, and to learn how to form positive and respectful relationships. They will do this through a balance of guided, planned teaching and pursuing their own learning within an enabling environment. They will begin to understand and value the differences of individuals and groups within their own immediate community. Children will have the opportunity to develop their emerging moral and cultural awareness.
Children are provided with opportunities in RE to:
- listen to and talk about appropriate stories which engage them
- directly experience religion – engage with artefacts
- listen and respond to visitors from faith communities
- get to know and use religious words accurately e.g. God, Bible, church, prayer
- use all five senses – smell (e.g. incense); taste (e.g. special foods) see and touch (e.g. religious artefacts); hear (e.g. chants/hymns/prayers/bells)
- make and do – make festive food, role play, dress up, dance
- have times of quiet and stillness
- share their own beliefs, ideas and values
- begin to use ICT to explore religious beliefs and beliefs as practised in the local and wider community.
KS1: What do pupils learn in RE at this key stage?
Pupils should develop their knowledge and understanding of religions and worldviews, recognising their local, national and global contexts. They should use basic subject specific vocabulary. They should raise questions and begin to express their own views in response to the material they learn about and in response to questions about their ideas.
KS2: What do pupils learn in RE at this key stage?
Pupils should extend their knowledge and understanding of religions and worldviews, recognising their local, national and global contexts. They should be introduced to an extended range of sources and subject specific vocabulary. They should be encouraged to be curious and to ask increasingly challenging questions about religion, belief, values and human life. Pupils should learn to express their own ideas in response to the material they engage with, identifying relevant information, selecting examples and giving reasons to support their ideas and views.
The curriculum for RE aims to ensure that all pupils:
- know about and understand a range of religions and worldviews.
- express ideas and insights about the nature, significance and impact of religions and worldviews.
- Gain and deploy the necessary skills needed to engage seriously with religions and worldviews.
It is our intent for the RE element of our school curriculum to engage, inspire, challenge and encourage pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to answer challenging questions, explore different religious beliefs, values and traditions and develop a more rigorous understanding of numerous religious traditions, beliefs and practices that are followed in our multicultural society.
Personal, Social and Health Education
We aim to promote healthy, independent and responsible members of society, encouraging all our pupils to play a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community. Our pupils are given opportunities in PSHE lessons, during circle times and assemblies to develop confidence, self-motivation and an understanding of their rights and responsibilities within our school and our diverse society.
Children are given the opportunity to explore a range of topics:
- Healthy and Happy Friendships
- Similarities and differences
- Caring and responsibilities
- Families and committed relationships
- Healthy bodies and Healthy minds
- Coping with Change
In EYFS, children will develop their communication skills through circle time discussions based on the units above. They will explore what good and bad choices are, the people in their family and safe people they can approach in school. They will learn about the things they have in common with their peers and begin to embrace how they are different from those around them.
Children in KS1 will further develop their understanding of how to treat those around them with kindness in addition to recognising what a happy friendship looks like and ways to describe their feelings. They will explore how people change as they grow up from birth and they will also be able to apply their learning at home when they explore safe and unsafe use of household products. By the end of KS1, our children will be able to set goals and aspirations they want to achieve during the next few years in their primary education.
By KS2, our children will be confident in using strategies if they are faced with peer pressure as well as ways to stay safe online, allowing them to develop their ability to identify risks around them. Children will be able to learn about how their bodies change through puberty and the rights they have as a child. They will be able to learn about ways to support their mental wellbeing as they grow up and who they can turn to when they need help with problems that may arise. When learning about similarities and differences, they will be able to recognise and challenge stereotypes in the world around them.
In Key Stage Two pupils study Spanish in order to understand basic grammar and hold simple conversations