

Tips For Creating Family Rules For Using Devices

July 31st 2024

tips for creating family rules for using devices

According to a study published by Ofcom, every child in the UK will possess at least one digital device by the age of 17 – most commonly a smart phone.

While owning online technology is widely accepted, this by no means removes the risks associated with using such devices. 
It is important to support children's development of boundaries and a healthy relationship with technology, starting from their first steps into the digital world. Many trusted adults might find establishing and implementing rules for technology to be complex and difficult. 
It can sometimes be hard to know what specifically to restrict, how to restrict it, and how to do so fairly. 
To lend a hand, this week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide offers advice on creating rules for the whole family around using devices.

Tips for creating family rules for using devices