

Loxford In The Month Of May

June 5th 2024

Within the month of May, our students took part in the following activities:-


  • Year 12 Parents’ Evening
  • Our Online Safety Guide tips (WakeUpWednesday) for this month were:
    • What Parents can learn from the Ofcom Media Report 2024
    • Top Tips for supporting children with the Video Game HellDivers2
  • Fusion Drop-In took place on 16th May where students had the opportunity to ask questions about drugs and their impact on people’s lives
  • We shared on the school’s website a poster from the Metropolitan Police.  It promoted “Safe2Talk” which students who have experienced sexual assault, harassment or abuse, particularly women and girls, can attend and speak one-on-one with all female experts including a police officer and a domestic abuse advocate to get advice or support.  This happens once a month at Fullwell Cross Library and the next one is Wednesday 29th May
  • Loxford School completed their application for the Anti-bullying Ambassador Community Badge application to The Diana Award – Earn Your Badge and all Anti-bullying Ambassadors and the School received the Badge
  • Opportunities for students were advertised on our website for example getting involved with Redbridge Youth Council, recruiting Child Friendly Redbridge (CFR) Ambassadors and Future Producers.  Future Producers are part of Colours of Redbridge and they are recruiting a dynamic group of students who will play a pivotal role in shaping this exciting new initiative.  They will co-create digital audio workshops, learn digital media skills, build their own creative portfolio and amplify youth voices in Redbridge


We visited the following places:-

  • Year 8 & 9 Dance students went on a trip to watch a professional Street Dance company “Boy Blue” perform at the Barbican.  They were so well behaved that they met the choreographer afterwards and he is on the GCSE specification.  Well done; they did the school proud!
  • As a result of winning the Christmas Cracker competition, 7L went to “Go Ape”.  Although many were nervous about some of the activities, they showed exceptional levels of bravery and comradery up in the treetops.  Activities included long zip wires and tightrope walking at heights of up to 20 metres in the air!
  • A group of Year 7s went on a reward trip to the National Army Museum.  The students took part in the Operation Robot (coding) Workshop.  They looked at the benefits of robotics in the Army and used dash robots to complete Army based tasks.  Students demonstrated good communications skills, while they used their mathematical knowledge and higher order thinking skills to control the dash robot


Loxford took part in many sporting fixtures:-

  • Year 9 played an away cricket match against Oaks Park and won by 8 wickets
  • Year 10 played an away cricket match against Valentines and lost by 5 runs
  • Year 7 & 8 played an away cricket match against Oaks Park and lost 15-41