

October 2023 Anti-Bullying Newsletter

October 30th 2023

At Loxford School, students were privileged to watch the Respect showcase video by The Diana Award, and take part in tasks surrounding respect. Below is a summary.


Period 5, Thursday, October 12th, our anti-bullying ambassadors took part in a workshop all about respect, sponsored by the Diana Award. The video opened up many conversations, such as "What does respect actually mean?", "What is a microaggression?" and "Why is it important to respect everyone?". Students gave many ideas and stories from their own personal experiences. We had different ages, cultures, and religions in the room, and students were able to gain insight from a range of different lived experiences. We ended the session by producing some written work on the various people students respect in their everyday lives and what respect looks like to them. Overall, it was an enjoyable afternoon with engaging conversations and interesting stories.