Loxford in the month of March
Within the month of March, our students took part in the following activities:-
- Youth Centre Workshops were held on the themes of “Use of mobile phone” “Poor use of social media platforms” “Physical violence/aggression”, “Rudeness & use of derogatory language/lying/disrupting lessons on purpose” and “Selling items on school premises/silly behaviour/vaping”. Speakers and students really enjoyed the interaction between the two parties
- Friday 3rd March was World Book Day and several members of staff dressed up as different characters eg Moby Dick, Scar, Pennywise, Captain Ahab, Professor Moriarty, Winston Smith, Dorian Gray, Maleficent, Captain Hook, Miss Trunchball, Snow Queen and Cruella da Vil
- Congratulations to Suriyah Baron has been awarded her Duke of Edinburgh bronze award (picture on the website)
- On Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th March, the Army Stem Youth Engagement Team came to school to see Year 7, 8 & 9. Groups of students took part in an Army Stem workshop. They participated in two main activities. One was called "Operation Disaster Relief" which involved the students to work with Army Engineers and use Lego Mindstorm kits to create their own electronic robot to achieve the mission. The Stem skills used were Maths, Technology and Engineering. They also participated in the activity "Operation Who's The Hacker". This activity involved using the students Maths and problem-solving knowledge to complete a mission on cyber-attacks. The students were given information about suspects, and they had to work out in their teams who the hacker was. The students enjoyed these activities and requested to be part of these workshops again
- Year 9 received their DTP/Meningitis Vaccinations
- For Careers Week at the beginning of March, various workshops were held on the topics of ‘Hard to find Experience’ and ‘Interviews’,
- Wednesday 8th March was International Women’s Day and to raise awareness of women in the technological field, students were shown a video on “Power to Create an Equal Digital Future” in their Computer lessons
- On Tuesday 7th March, some of the Year 10 Prefects met with Ms Langshaw, CTL of Technology, to be part of a chocolate making workshop. All participants enjoyed the activity after school. The chocolates were delicious!
- Year 9 Parents’ Evening had an excellent attendance of 97%
- KS3 Computing students were shown a TikTok safety guide which helped them understand TikTok’s tools and controls that are built into the product to keep our community safe
- British Science Week commenced on 13th March, the theme was “Connections”, and we celebrated with various activities including Bridge Building with Year 9 & 10, quizzes in registration, a poster competition and a live dissection of a heart. Year 7 had a workshop with Maggie Aderin-Pocock who is a Scientist/TV presenter and she spoke about her book “Am I Made of Stardust”
- Year 9 had 2 weeks of ‘Taster’ lessons to prepare them for Year 10
- Remy Baptiste has been nominated as the school’s representative for the Jack Petchey Regional Final for Woodbridge School at 6pm 15th March
- Year 11 watched a live performance of “An Inspector Calls” in the Assembly Hall
- Year 11, 12 & 13 attended a Careers Fayre in school which featured numerous representatives from different organisation like Lloyd’s Bank, Metropolitan Police, KPMG, HM Passport Office and they spoke about sectors such as medicine, aeronautical engineering, hedge fund and data analysis
- The Turkey/Syria appeal has so far raised over £2,300. Thank you to all the staff, students and parents for their generosity
- Year 12 Parents’ Evening
- Auditions have started for “Oliver the Musical”
- For Autism Awareness Week, our SEN department provided resources and various activities and held a poster and poem competition
- A video conference was held with French partner school (Lycée Monnet-Mermoz, Aurillac, France) and our Year 12 Global Ambassadors. The purpose was to promote cultural and educational understanding between each other’s countries. Students asked each other one question in a hot seat style approach. The next video conference will focus on the Sustainable Development Goals and how each student is taking action to make a difference
- Year 10 Science students took part in a virtual workshop featuring a GeoBus demonstrator live on screen. GeoBus UCL is an Earth science outreach programme run by the Earth Sciences Department in UCL and the topic ‘The Evolution of the Atmosphere’. This workshop took students on a journey through Earth’s history, starting just after the Earth first formed and students discovered the major events in geological time and the impact these events had on the evolution of the atmosphere. Students then tested out their new geological knowledge and assembled a tumbling tower of geological time using 3D puzzle blocks!
- On Tuesday 28th March, the Leyton Orient Premier League Inspires challenge took place and Loxford was represented by 5 students from Years 7 to 9. The session was about sustainability and social action projects
- 7Y and 9X completed an Active Live CYP Next Steps Survey
We visited the following places:-
- Selected Year 10 students attended a “Diversity Day” at the Royal Navy base HMS President. The trip provided students with the opportunity to learn about the Royal Navy as well as understand what it takes to develop a career in the armed forces
- Our Music Department took part in the Redbridge Schools’ Choir Festival at the Royal Albert Hall and they sang beautifully
- Our Year 10 & 11 Drama students visited the University of Westminster and took part in a theatre workshop as part of their GCSE Drama course. The workshop helped them to analyse theatre productions and they took part in a post-show Q&A session with the Deputy Director of the National Theatre
- Year 9 Gifted and Talented Art students went on a trip to the Saatchi Gallery
- 7T and some other Year 7 students went on a Safer Travel Training Day with the Metropolitan Police
- On 29th March, the Ilford Recorder/Rotary Young Citizen’s Awards were held as part of the Mayor of Redbridge’s Community Awards and one of our Sixth Formers, Aisha Qayyum was nominated
Loxford took part in many sporting fixtures:-
- Year 8 lost their away football match against Atam 0-4
- Year 11 won their football match against Chadwell Heath 5-4
- Year 9 won their football match against Chadwell Heath 5-3
- Year 8 lost their away football Match against Isaac Newton 3-4
- Year 10 basketball lost to Wanstead 22-36