
Religious Education

Helping the students of today become a better society of tomorrow

Religious Studies at Loxford is about teaching tolerance and understanding. It’s about preparing students and giving them the skill to flourish as able and qualified participants of a multi-cultural, multi-faith society.  Religious Education makes a distinctive contribution to the school curriculum by developing pupils' knowledge and understanding of religion, religious beliefs, practices, language and traditions and their influence on individuals, communities, societies and cultures. It enables pupils to consider and respond to a range of important questions related to their own spiritual development, the development of values and attitudes and fundamental questions concerning the meaning and purpose of life.

The RE department at Loxford are a successful and dedicated team who are committed to the students’ enjoyment and development in Religious Studies.  We are proud of our consistently excellent attainment at A level.

Studying Philosophy and Religion means being able to encounter some of the most exciting areas open to human beings. It enables us to ask about the most important parts of being human and pose questions like ‘What is the meaning of life?’, ‘Does God exist?’, ‘Is there life after death?’ and ‘Am I real?’. The Department hopes to sow the seeds of critical inquiry through our teaching and encourage students to let no stone go unturned and no assumption go unchallenged in their quest for the right answers.

The department has an outstanding track record for academic results and the subject remains a popular choice amongst students. Students of A Level RE will study 3 areas: Philosophy of Religion, Religion and Ethics and Christianity at A level.

We follow the WJEC Eduqas Examination syllabus which is a 2 year course with the main exams being at the end of Year 13. Students will study the following themes for the Christianity unit over the 2 years:

  • Jesus’s birth and resurrection
  • The Bible as a source of wisdom and authority
  • The early Christian church
  • Different scholarly views of Jesus
  • The religious concepts of: the nature of God, the Trinity and atonement
  • Religious Life including a study of the key moral principles such as charity and the community of believers
  • Attitudes towards the following issues: wealth, migration and equality and discrimination
  • The relationship between religion and society
  • Historical developments in religious thought
  • Religious identity through baptism, the Eucharist; festivals such as Christmas and Easter; unification; religious experience, responses to poverty and injustice

Students will study the following themes for the Philosophy of Religion unit over the 2 years:

  • The Cosmological Argument
  • The Teleological Argument
  • The Ontological Argument
  • The Problem of evil and suffering
  • Religious belief as a product of the human mind
  • Issues relating to the rejection of religion
  • Religious experience
  • Religious language

Students will study the following themes for the Religion and Ethics unit over the 2 years:

  • Ethical Thought
  • Natural Law and Proportionalism and its application to the ethical issues of abortion, voluntary euthanasia, immigration and capital punishment
  • Situation Ethics and its application to the ethical issues of homosexuality, polyamorous relationships, animal experimentation and the use of nuclear weapons
  • Determinism and Free will

A level students are required to complete 5 hours of private study per week, this is closely monitored with regular folder checks. Students are given support to develop their essay writing skills. This course is assessed entirely through examination in May/June.


All Year 12 and 13 students are also taught compulsory RE through the Lox100 programme.

A Level Results 2024

Congratulations to the Year 13 students on achieving:

66% grades A* - C

Best of luck in your future pursuits and well done on all the hard work

A Level Results 2023

Congratulations to the Year 13 students on achieving


83% grades A* - C


Best of luck in your future pursuits and well done on all the hard work

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