
Higher Education – UCAS

Staff at Loxford School understand that choosing the right course at a suitable university is one of the biggest challenges for any young person preparing to leave school. The school works tirelessly to ensure that students have the necessary support and guidance to gain a place at a university of choice. 

Approximately 90% of Loxford students gain a place at university including prestigious higher education institutions such as those in the Russell Group. Our students also continue to gain places to study medicine, dentistry and to study at either Oxford or Cambridge. We have a strong commitment to independent advice and guidance and through the pastoral system our learners are supported in making the right choices for further study through UCAS or work related pathways.

The application to university process is launched in February at our yearly ‘Dare to Dream’ event where Year 12 students have the opportunity to meet and talk to ‘leaders of industry’ and leaders of further education institutions.  These include: University of Cambridge, Queen Mary, Anglia Ruskin, Universal Pictures, Doctors, Solicitors, Architects and Entrepreneurs.

The School uses the Unifrog platform  to support students searching for university places and to also to receive feedback on their Personal Statement. Student accounts can be accessed here:


Documentation to support parents/guardians and students is located below.

Visit the UCAS web page for guides on what you need to do nextThis is a really useful website to help you with your application for University – StudentialFor help with writing your Personal Statements, this section of the website is good too! – Personal Statement HelpYou should be starting to look at Universities and finding out what courses are on offer. When you look at the courses they will indicate the Entry Requirements. In some cases they are shown as grades, for example, ABB, in other cases they are shown as points, for example, 144 points. So, do you know what points are awarded for AS, A level and BTEC National?

Click here for a breakdown of the points awarded for each grade for all 3 courses


You will need to start visiting Universities that you are going to apply for

Click here to find out when the Open Days are

Writing a Personal Statement

Personal Statement Documents

My Personal StatementMy UCAS Personal StatementPersonal Statement WorksheetWriting an Effective Personal Statement

Where do you start?

  • Why you have chosen the course/s you have selected;
  • The reason the subject interests you;
  • Evidence that you understand what is required to study the course;
  • Aspects of your current studies related to the course/s you have chosen;
  • Details of jobs, placements, work experience or voluntary work which you have undertaken, particularly if it has relevance to your chosen field;
  • Hobbies/interests/social activities that show you are a well-rounded student;
  • Details of non-accredited qualifications: e.g. Duke of Edinburgh;
  • Other achievements you are proud of, e.g. reaching grade 3 in piano;
  • Positions of responsibility both in and out of school;
  • Attributes that make you special, interesting or unique;
  • Whether you have any future plans you have of how you want to use the knowledge and experience that you gain at university.

UCAS Timeline

Year 12

Autumn Term Register with
Spring Term Research courses and universities (Look for Open Days)
Write first draft of personal statement
Register with UCAS and complete the application form
July East London Higher Education Convention
Students hoping to apply for Oxbridge, Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary degrees write personal statements


Year 13

September Shortlist Univiersities
Mid-October Closing Date for Oxbridge, Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary degrees
Half Term All students finish their UCAS application form and ‘send to referee’ for checking
November Students make corrections to UCAS forms, school references are added and they are sent to universities
Offers are received by early applicants
Mid-January Last date for ‘in time’ applications
February Students finalise their applications and portfolios for some Art and Design courses
UCAS Extra starts (students who have no offers or reject all their offers can make new applications)
March Most students have received offers. Start finance applications.
Choose ‘Firm’ and ‘Insurance’ offers and reject others
Early May Final date for replies by students who received all their offers by 31st March (‘Firm’ and ‘Insurance’ choices)
Early July Final date for all replies to offers
Mid-August Results day – university places are confirmed on ‘Track’
‘Clearing’ opens for unsuccessful students
October University courses start