



The Mathematics Department at Loxford School will promote and support a comprehensive, interactive, innovative and dynamic learning environment that will empower our pupils for the future in this ever changing world.

Mission Statement

The Mathematics Department at Loxford School will provide an exemplary mathematics program that prepares our students to be life-long learners and responsible, numerate citizens. We endeavour to provide a learning centred environment in which the student is the performer and the teacher is the coach. The Department also hope that students will come to appreciate that whilst being an important tool in other subjects, Mathematics is a subject in its own right, and that there is a sense of awe and wonder to behold within its boundaries.

The aims of teaching and learning in Mathematics The Department seeks to develop in each student the following:

A positive attitude towards mathematics by:– seeing it as an interesting and attractive subject

  • Helping them to appreciate the creative and aesthetic aspects of the subject
  • Ensuring that persistence through sustained work is rewarded
  • Giving credit and praise to improve confidence
  • Encouraging students to themselves challenging targets

Sound numerical skills by:– ensuring that calculators are used sensibly and efficiently

  • The use of starters and plenaries to promote the use of mental skills
  • Insisting that they learn relevant concepts and facts

A willingness to use algebraic skills by:– exploring mathematical patterns and sequences

  • Identifying functional relationships
  • Using correct and appropriate mathematical notation and language
  • Using mathematics to model real-life situations

Raising spatial awareness by:– fostering an appreciation of the nature of space

  • Encouraging them to use different representations
  • Exploring properties of shape and space through the drawing and practical work
  • Using appropriate Software packages to investigate transformations

An understanding of statistical enquiry by:– encouraging them to formulate their own hypotheses

  • Collecting data from a range of sources by an appropriate sampling technique
  • Communicating their findings through an appropriate and relevant charts and diagrams
  • Using IT to facilitate the efficient data analysis and simulations
  • Engaging in practical and experimental work
  • Looking critically at the presentation of information
  • Evaluating their work and recognising the limitations or bias within their work

An ability to use and apply Mathematics by:– raising an awareness of Mathematics across the curriculum

  • Relating appropriate mathematical problems to life itself
  • Developing an understanding through enquiry and experience
  • Expressing problems in mathematical terms as an aid to their solution
  • Fostering an ability to think clearly and logically with independence of thought and flexibility of mind.

Our Expectation:

Mathematics has many applications in many walks of life including business, science, construction, design and statistics. It has enabled us to organise, communicate and manipulate information in efficient way, and gives us the chance to explain and predict things in real life. The mathematics department at Loxford, therefore, strives hard to help pupils learn how to solve problems which require the use of mathematical knowledge and techniques.

We aim to give all pupils the chance to play an active role in every maths lesson through the use of active learning techniques, such as:

  • Collaborative tasks, where pupils work in small groups to discuss and solve maths problems;
  • Class discussions using higher-order questioning techniques;
  • The use of mini-whiteboards to collect and discuss answers from every pupil in the class;
  • Enrichment tasks;
  • Use of ICT to enhance learning through use of Interactive Whiteboards in every lesson.

KS3 and KS4

In our department we always aim to be innovative and creative with the way we deliver the curriculum to our students. Students work within a supportive and stimulating environment enabling virtually all to progress and achieve real success. We share a keen interest in the subject, a positive approach to our work and a commitment to bring out the full potential of each and every one of our pupils. We aim to involve pupils in a variety of approaches and experiences. We encourage independence of thought, yet also provide opportunity for our pupils to work in a co-operative manner, sharing ideas and developing communication skills. There is a real emphasis on making the learning of Mathematics fun, interactive and visual. Every teaching room in our department is equipped with an interactive whiteboard. PowerPoints are a regular feature of a typical Maths lesson in our department. Staff are supported by well designed, and heavily resourced, schemes of work.


Overview Calendars

Please click on the following links to view the relevant overview calendar:

Year 7 Overview  2024-2025 Yr 8 SOW OVERVIEW CALENDAR 2024-25 Year 9 Foundation Overview 2024-2025 SOW OVERVIEW CALENDAR 2024 25 Y9 HIGHER 2

The topics in each individual class may not be taught in this exact order. Individual teachers may decide on changes due to the needs of individual classes. However, all topics in each half term will be covered by each class.

Year 7

Autumn Spring Summer
Place value & numbers
Negative Numbers
Number operations – written methods Constructions
Sequences & Angles Graphs and Charts Sequences
Units of measurements
Perimeter & Area
Compare data
Decimal Calculations
Introducing Algebraic symbols & Expressions
Writing & Using Formulae
Reflection & Rotation
Symmetry & Translations
Ratio & Proportion
Fractions and percentages Linear equations – simple Properties of shapes
Properties of shapes Factors and multiples
Prime factorisation
Algebra, Number , Geometry and Data handling practice for End of Year Test

Assessment:  All students have to sit an End of Half Term test just before every half term holiday. These scores and levels are recorded and monitored for progress.

Students are expected to attempt one written HW on a weekly basis. The worksheet will be provided by the teacher or uploaded onto Google Classroom and students may need to copy questions.

Year 8

In year 8 students are taught from broad based curriculum. Below are list of topics that are taught in Year 8.

Autumn Spring Summer
Integers and Decimals Calculations Equations, Functions and Graphs (2)
Measures & Mensuration Transformations Construction and 3D Shapes
Probability Sequences and Roots Analysing and Representing Data
Fractions, Decimals and percentages Collecting and representing Data Calculations
Angles and Shapes Ratio and proportions  
Equations, Functions and Graphs (1) Equations, Functions and Graphs (2)  

According to the result achieved from end of year test, Year 8 students are setted into appropriate classes. At the end of each half term students are tested on the topics they learnt. They are also given opportunity to do functional maths tasks where they solve challenging tasks that arise from real life situation. Selective students from the year group are entered for United Kingdom Junior Mathematical Challenge.

Year 9

In year 9, students will build on topics that they have covered in year 7 and 8. They will also be introduced to a number of new topics. Below are the topics students learn and develop over the academic year.

Autumn Spring Summer
Calculations, checking and rounding Averages and range Ratio and proportion
Indices, roots, and reciprocals Representing and interpreting data The basics and real-life graphs
Factors, multiples and primes Scatter graphs Linear graphs and coordinate geometry
Standard form and surds Fractions Polygons, angles and parallel lines
Algebra: the basics Percentages Polygons, angles and parallel lines
Setting up, rearranging and solving equations   Pythagoras’ Theorem and trigonometry
Averages and range    

Students in the top set are entered for the United Kingdom intermediate Mathematical challenge.
Some our year 9 students are entered for the local and regional maths challenges.


Overview Calendars

Please click on the following links to view the relevant overview calendar:

Year 10 Foundation Overview 2024-2025 Year 11 Foundation Overview 2024-2025
Year 10 Higher Overview 2024-2025 Year 11 Higher Overview 2024-2025

What type of course do students follow?

The Mathematics Department at Loxford School follow a Linear GCSE Course.

Which examination board do you follow?

The Edexcel Examination Board. 

Subject content

  • 1 Number
  • 2 Algebra
  • 3 Ratio, proportion and rates of change
  • 4 Geometry and measures
  • 5 Probability
  • 6 Statistics


GCSE Mathematics has a Foundation tier (grades 1 – 5) and a Higher tier (grades 4 – 9). Students must take three question papers at the same tier. All question papers must be taken in the same series.

The information in the table below is the same for both Foundation and Higher tiers.

Paper Description Length Marks Weighting
1 Non-Calculator Paper (1 hour 30 minutes) 80 33%
2 Calculator Paper (1 hour 30 minutes) 80 33%
3 Calculator Paper (1 hour 30 minutes) 80 33%

Do you still have coursework / controlled assessment?

No coursework / controlled assessment in Mathematics.

When are pupils given homework?

Each pupil will receive one major homework piece per week from their class teacher.

Do you provide practise exam papers?

Yes. All students have access to past papers..

What Internet sites do you recommend?


  • Videos to watch on topics covered in class 
  • Topic based worksheets to complete 
  • Past and practice papers 


  • Videos to watch on topics covered in class 
  • Topic and grade based worksheets to complete 
  • Past and practice papers 


  • Subscription required  
  • Videos to watch on topics covered in class 
  • Topic and grade based worksheets to complete 
  • Past papers 


  • Variety of exam questions sorted by tier and topic. 


  • You should have your personalised login details – ask your teacher if you have forgotten your details.  
  • Videos to watch on topics covered in class 


  • Online exam practice marks automatically 
  • Topic based practise marked automatically 

Dr Frost maths 

  • Sign up required 
  • You can also set yourself a quiz on any topic you like. 
  • Students who complete more quizzes, get higher grades. 


  • Videos to watch on topics covered in class 
  • Topic and grade based practice questions to complete 
  • Past papers 

Mr Barton maths 

  • Topic support including videos  
  • Topic and grade based practice questions to complete 
  • Notes and examples  
  • Past papers 

Pixi maths 

  • Targeted booklets aiming for different grades.  
  • Topic and grade based practice questions to complete 
  • Notes and examples  


GCSE Results 2024

GCSE Results for Mathematics 2023-24:

90% grades 9 – 4

76% grades 9 – 5

45% grades 9 – 7

Congratulations to all students for excellent result!

GCSE Results 2023

Congratulations to the Year 11 students on achieving 80% grades 9-4

How can I boost my child’s Mathematics Grade?

The Mathematics department at Loxford School have a number of initiatives to help our pupils boost their GCSE grade. Parents’ support and pupils’ participation can make a real difference in ensuring our pupils realise their full potential.
If you encourage your child to do the following then it will help them achieve a better grade in Mathematics:

  1. Attendance and Punctuality. Attendance and punctuality to Mathematics lessons is essential as Mathematics is like a ladder. If a rung is missing, or if you don’t get a good grip on it, you’ll struggle to reach the next rung. If enough rungs are missing, it will be difficult to climb higher. If you do miss a lesson for a good reason, please see your teacher and catch up with the work missed.
  2. Maximum effort in lesson. Come to lesson with the correct equipment and be mentally prepared to learn. Follow your teacher’s instructions, listen attentively to explanations, and put in maximum effort in the classwork. Ask your teacher for help if you do not understand. At the end of the lesson you should have learnt something, ask yourself what you have learnt.
  3. Do your homework. Homework may seem like torture, but it is really designed to help you learn. The key to learning Mathematics is practice: do enough problems on solving linear equations, and you will eventually be able to do it in your sleep. Plus, as you do your homework, you will be able to identify concepts you do not understand and then you can ask your teacher for help or use resources on Google Classroom.
  4. Use MathsWatch Video tutorials to continuously revise topics that you have covered in class. Continuous revision of topics that you have covered in class using your MathsWatch clips will help you retain what you have learnt in lesson and solidify your understanding. MathsWatch clips cover everything you need to know.

Do not just watch the clips, do the associated worksheet and exam questions which come with each clip.

Future Careers:

A level Mathematics is a requirement for certain degree courses, such as Engineering, Physics, Statistics, and often Economics. Although not a requirement, A level Mathematics is a typical subject taken by students on courses as wide ranging as Architecture, Law and Psychology.

A level Mathematics is useful for those interested in apprenticeships in Accounting, Engineering, Teaching and Technology.

Students gain a variety of different skills from mathematics including problem solving, data analysis, attention to detail and communication skills.

Extra Curricular

Mathematics Weekly clubs

Year Group Day Room/Teachers
Year 11 Thursday All Year 11

Google classroom

  • All homework in the department will be uploaded onto google classroom for students to print and complete at home.

A trip to Bank of England:

On 30th November 2023, The Maths Department organised a trip to the Bank of England Museum for a group of 25 students from Year 10 to Year 12. The student embarked on an engaging and educational visit to the Bank of England Museum where during their excursion, they delved into the rich history of money, exploring exhibits that showcased the evolution of currency and the intricacies of the Royal Mint. The students gained valuable insights into the fascinating world of finance, combining a fun and informative experience at the museum with an exploration of the significant role the Royal Mint plays in shaping the nation's currency. 

Useful Links


BBC GCSE BitesizegCSE bitesize

  • Interactive revision and tests – with instant feedback
  • Student revision checklist
  • SOS teacher – helpdesk
  • Contains teacher section which includes a teachers’ guide, lesson plans and worksheets



A website containing tutorials on all the topics required for GCSE Maths. All students will be given individual usernames and passwords. If a student has lost or forgotten their password they must see their maths teacher.

  • Excellent resource containing department policies, schemes of work
  • Starter activities, interactive worksheets, games and puzzles
  • Pupil friendly level descriptors
  • ICT teaching ideas


The Glimpses of UKMT -  Intermediate Mathematics Challenge 2024

Maths 1

UKMT intermediate Challenge encourages mathematical reasoning, precision of thought and fluency in using mathematical techniques to solve interesting problems. The problems on the Intermediate Mathematical Challenge are designed to make students think analytically and on some occasions, outside the box. The Challenge caters to the passion and love of mathematics for students that truly want to excel within this field and make a career in relation to mathematics in the future.

In January 2024, Year 9 and 10 participated in UKMT Intermediate challenge at Loxford.

The Mathematics Department were proud to see students receiving 1 Gold certificate (Aesha Hossain from Year 10), 16 Silver certificates and 36 bronze certificates in the UKMT intermediate challenge 2024 

Rajveer Singh from Year 9 has qualified for the Grey Kangaroo Competition, which is the next round in IMC. Students received their official Certificates during Year 9 and Year 10 assemblies to celebrate the success and to motivate others for the future.

International Pi Day 2022 Celebrations

Maths 2

The Loxford Mathematics Department has celebrated International Pi Day on 14th of March 2022. Students eagerly contributed through research projects including Posters/Flyers made by them and being challenged with problem-solving Pi related Questions during lessons.

There was a great buzz about the Pi Champion Competition, where many students participated. It was amazing to see

Milan Sharma of Year 7 become the PI champion of 2022, who memorised Pi to more than 300 decimal places. 

The winner received a Pi Champion Trophy, Certificate and a Bundle of interesting books. The two runner-ups also received certificates for their amazing effort and participation.

Food and Technology Department also collaborated with us in the celebration of Pi Day where Miss Langshaw baked three delicious mathematical pies representing pi digits that were appreciated by everybody who ate them. A big thank you to Miss Langshaw.

Many teachers were dressed up, representing pi, while others supported pi day by wearing pi stickers. All key stage 3 students were given Pi flyer homework. This homework was a literacy project about researching pi and its history. We have received many high quality Pi flyers that have been displayed around the department. A special 5-minute PowerPoint was also shown during maths lesson to make students aware about this special mathematical constant.

National Numeracy Day

In Loxford school we have participated in the celebration of national Numeracy Day on Wednesday 18th of May 2022.

All of year 7 and year 8 students were encouraged to participate in Numbers Heroes Competition.

The students have produced astonishing posters to participate in this competition presenting their passion about Numeracy and describing the usage of numeracy in their dream jobs.

59 entries were submitted online, and are awaiting results.                                                                                                  .

Below are some of the creative entries:

Maths 3